I often ask, "How do I want others to feel about me when they are in my presence?” Or I ask, "What do I want someone close to me to say about me when talking to others?" The good and bad news is that I will write the script they use to talk about me.
Relationships are profoundly shaped by how we make each other feel. Too often, I might overlook how others perceive me, walking through life unaware of my words or actions on those around me. If I'm unknowingly pushing someone away, I risk damaging the relationship without realizing it.
This raises an essential question: “How do I want you to feel about me when we're together?”
I must consistently embody these qualities to be seen as attractive, fun, delightful, truthful, and positive. But if I come across as a downer, sarcastic, or complainer, you won't feel good around me and will probably distance yourself. Your perception of me as intellectual, confident, kind, or thoughtful will only emerge if I intentionally create that experience for you.
The energy I bring into your life is powerful; it shapes how you see me and how our relationship evolves. When I help you feel safe, valued, understood, and inspired, you'll leave our time together feeling uplifted.
Do I make you feel seen, heard, and appreciated? Or do I unintentionally make you feel judged or insignificant? These moments of connection, or disconnection, are the building blocks of our bond.
When I am intentional about the energy I bring, our relationship becomes a space of trust and growth. Instead of questioning, "What do they think of me?" I can shift to asking, "How can I make them feel valued right now?" This effort creates a foundation of confidence, joy, and respect.
So, the question becomes, "How do I want you to feel about me when we are together?"
Whether I am aware of it or not, I will write the script you will use to answer that question.
Watch for the blind spots.

Get a copy of Blind Spots in Relationships. Discover the hidden behavior that could be holding you back from the relationships you desire. http://tinyurl.com/yc3usfsp