I am thrilled to announce the launch of my site, www.jerrydclark.com, and the launch of my new book, Blind Spots in Relationships What I don't know I don't know about myself.
I have uncovered life-altering strategies, principles, and methods that have empowered and changed lives. My desire is to distill these insights to impassion you to reach your full potential without limits.
I want to challenge you to drop the struggles of the past, lean forward, and build a better you.

I refuse to sit back and allow life to happen but to stay heavily involved with making a positive difference for myself and others who will accept the challenge to look at their blind spots.
Keep looking for the blind spots and building a better you.
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If you haven't already gotten your copy of my new book, it's available below.
Blind Spots in Relationships
What I don't know I don't know about myself

When you read or hear something of value to you, write it down.
Take action to keep them where you can go over them again and again. This action guide will assist you in this manner as you explore the concepts in Blind Spots in Relationships. It will be your companion guide for growth, change, and emotional maturity. We have designed it for this reason: writing things down helps you to clarify and locate exactly what is happening the moment you are going through it. ​ *Action Guide Download 8.5x11, 88pg Printable pdf.