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Recognizing I Don't Know It All

At one time, I considered myself an expert on almost everything. (Ridiculous, I know.) I believed that my knowledge and understanding was vast and infallible. It was a mindset rooted in arrogance and pride, uninformed of the breadth and depth of human intellect.

I recall meeting an intriguing individual who challenged my self-proclaimed wisdom. He gently questioned my knowledge, prompting me to explore the depths of my understanding. Instead of brushing off his inquiries with defensiveness, I decided to embrace a new perspective—one that acknowledged my limitations and nurtured a sense of curiosity.

With each interaction, I began to incorporate gently curious questions into my conversations. When someone shared their thoughts or insights, I would respond with gentle curiosity, "What else can you tell me about this?" This simple question unlocked a wealth of information that I had never considered. It led me down uncharted paths of knowledge, revealing ideas I had been blind to before.

I discovered that questioning others about their thought patterns, such as, "How long have you been thinking that way?" deepened my understanding of their perspectives. It allowed me to grasp the evolution of their thinking, uncovering the experiences and insights that shaped their worldview. This not only broadened my own knowledge but also fostered empathy and connection with those around me.

As my curiosity grew, so did my hunger for understanding. I asked, "Help me understand more of that thinking." This question encouraged others to share their reasoning, allowing me to see the ideas that had molded their thinking.

It humbled me to realize that my initial assumptions were often oversimplified or incomplete.

One question, in particular, remained close to my heart: "Where do you get all this knowledge?" This question acknowledged that wisdom is not a solitary pursuit but a collective endeavor. I discovered that people drew from many sources—books, experiences, conversations, and even their mistakes. The more I understood this, the more I appreciated the diversity of knowledge and the beauty of lifelong learning.

In this journey of embracing humility, I give up my illusion and recognize, I don’t know it all.

I embraced the power of gently curious questions, realizing that true wisdom is found in accepting the unknown rather than asserting one's expertise.

I discovered that the more I acknowledged my limitations, the more I grew.

Today, I continue to ask these gentle questions, eager to explore the vast expanse of knowledge and understanding. By acknowledging my ignorance and engaging with the insights of others, I have become a lifelong learner—a student of life's endless teachings, forever humbled by the vastness of the world and the wisdom of those around me.

How about you, would gently curious questions help your knowledge?

Watch for the blind spots.

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If you want to find out more about discovering your blind spots get your book below.

Blind Spots in Relationships

What I don't know I don't know about myself

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