At my age, it's common to follow the usual retirement plan—traveling, golfing, fishing, and simply enjoying life. I genuinely like that idea but realize it can lead to giving up.
It's easy to stop challenging my mind, body, or other important aspects for maintaining good health. I remember a college debate about the existence of heaven. One person said, "The proof is in the older, wiser men and women who focus on their spiritual life." Someone else responded, "Yeah, they're just cramming for finals."
Maybe that's true for some, but I strongly desire to spend the next 20 years moving forward and making a difference. I've decided that my education isn't over, and the more I engage in learning, the better I become.
Over the past two years, I've taken classes to build emotional, financial, spiritual, and social strength. These classes have inspired me to take on new challenges in life. I've also increased my physical exercise and improved my diet, positively impacting my outlook.
Don't get me wrong; I may have lost some speed and agility, but I'm committed to improving my mobility to stay active and keep moving forward.
My Drill Instructor told me in Bootcamp that I should be able to run half a mile—"straight up." I'm still working on that.
Whether some see it as cramming for finals or focusing on spiritual growth, I rely on the wisdom of scripture: "Teach us to number our days so that we may truly live and achieve wisdom. Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us; establish the work of our hands—yes, establish the work of our hands." (Psalm 90:12, 17)
I often feel tempted to rest and take the easy way out. The challenge is that my body will age, but I stay young in heart and spirit.
How about you? How old do you want to appear in your thoughts, feelings, and actions?
Watch for the blind spots.

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