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The Unknown Unknowns

In my quest for knowledge, I often focus on what I know and what I know I don't know. But there's a third, elusive category: the unknown unknowns. Embracing this concept can lead to breakthroughs and personal growth. Have you ever had an epiphany that completely blindsided you? That's the essence of the "unknown unknowns" – the things you don't even realize you don't know. It's a perplexing yet fascinating concept with significant implications for personal growth, innovation, and decision-making.


Consider this: I used to be very controlling and insisted on being right in every situation. Despite being called a control freak occasionally, my need for control wasn't apparent. While I understood that being controlling was negative, I couldn't see that behavior in myself. When I finally realized I was controlling, my life changed. I became humbler and a better listener. I began to look intently at the areas not working well for me and the ones I loved. Recognizing the existence of these unknown unknowns was the first step toward overcoming them. It required an acknowledgment that no matter how much I know, more lurks beyond my comprehension.


Embracing the unknown unknowns can lead to breakthroughs. By staying curious and open to new experiences, I can create opportunities for unanticipated discoveries. These are the gaps I can't identify because I'm not aware they exist. So, how do I navigate this tricky terrain? It starts with fostering a culture of continuous learning and curiosity. Ask questions, seek diverse perspectives, and challenge my assumptions. I surround myself with people who think differently and aren't afraid to point out the gaps in my understanding. This is easy to say yet hard to do.


While the unknown unknowns can be daunting, they also hold the potential for profound growth and discovery. By acknowledging and embracing what I don't know I don't know, I can expand my horizons and unlock new possibilities.


How about you? Who do you need to listen to hear what you have yet to hear?


Watch for the blind spots.

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Get a copy of Blind Spots in Relationships. Discover the hidden behavior that could be holding you back from the relationships you desire.

Get a copy of Blind Spots in Relationships. Discover the hidden behavior that could be holding you back from the relationships you desire.

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