Often, I catch myself wanting to save, lose, or produce more, and these aspirations tend to float around in my head. To alleviate this, I turn to the phrase, "If you want to change something, measure it." By tracking my activities, I gain a clear view of where my time, effort, and resources are spent, enabling me to redirect my efforts more effectively.
In my book, "Blind Spots," the chapter titled "The Weekly Display" illustrates a powerful point echoed by Jim Rohn: small, deliberate changes over time can lead to incredible outcomes. This is all about maintaining focus and adopting a purposeful and strategic approach towards achieving one's goals.
If I am looking to make a change, I track it to measure it!
This principle is deeply ingrained across various fields, from business to personal development, and it's a simple yet powerful tool in the quest for transformation. Whether I aim to enhance productivity, lose weight, or refine a process, measuring lays down a foundation for monitoring progress over time.
The act of measuring can influence the behavior of people being measured. Known as the Hawthorne Effect—the phenomenon where individuals modify an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed—measurement can lead to significant improvements. In a work setting, when employees know that specific metrics are being measured, they are more likely to improve these metrics consciously.
Measurements mirror the current situation, eliminating guesses and assumptions and replacing them with solid data and facts. For example, a business that aims to improve customer satisfaction must first understand current levels through surveys and feedback. This data then provides a benchmark which all future improvements can be measured, ensuring targeted and effective enhancements.
In personal endeavors like weight loss, the same principle holds. By consistently tracking metrics such as weight, calorie intake, and exercise progress, individuals can clearly understand their progress, celebrate targets attained, and see how much further they need to go.
How about you? Is there something you need to measure?
Watch for the blind spots.

Below is link to download your Weekly Display:
Below is link to download Weekly Display filled out for example:

Get a copy of Blind Spots in Relationships. Discover the hidden behavior that could be holding you back from the relationships you desire. http://tinyurl.com/yc3usfsp