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Jerry Clark

"Why did God put him in my life?" 

In the early 90's, our church moved into our new sanctuary. A small church near us had burned and the members did not want to rebuild, so they joined our church. That is where I met my late friend JD. I have written about him before in Do I have to.


Our church started a mixed slow-pitch baseball team. The team was terrible. JD was our pitcher because he couldn't run very fast or throw very far, but he was one of our better players. Our team wasn't in contention to win the league championship, but we had a great time.


JD was an unconventional man. He always wore a tie to church, and it revealed what he had for breakfast. Eggs, jelly, honey, and sometimes untraceable spots decorated his tie. He was very outgoing and would joyfully walk around the sanctuary before service began, introducing himself and welcoming people.


One Sunday, I was at the back of the sanctuary, talking and laughing with my friend Bert. The conversation became somber as Bert asked, "I wonder why God put JD in my life." Oh my! What a riveting question. My laughter stopped, and I began to have all kinds of emotions. I was simultaneously embarrassed, humbled, shocked, and shamed. [Blind Spot]


"Why did God put him in my life?" What a great question.


This was one of those life changing moments. It was an awakening to my immature, judgmental behavior. I had to acknowledge my 'holier than thou attitude." What a less-than-honorable character I become when I don't ask this question.


When I compare or condemn others, I think of that Sunday morning all the time. It is an easy pit to fall into, yet totally against who I want to present.


How about you? Have you ever asked, "Why did God put this person in my life?" It can be life changing.


Watch for the blind spots.

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