Some of you know but some may not know, I have written a book, Blind Spots in Relationships What I don't know I don't Know about Myself.
I am excited to announce that TBN | has picked my book up for publishing. Below is the commercial that is running on TBN and TBN Inspire Channel. It is available on, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million,, and many more.
Thank you all for your support.
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You can get a copy of my book below.
Blind Spots in Relationships
What I don't know I don't know about myself
#mondaymotivation #mondaymood #mondaymorning #mondaythoughts #blindspots #counselingworks #mindsetmatters #bettereveryday #mindset #bayharbourumc #growthmindset #emotionalmaturity #ChampionshipMindset #championmindset #lesbrown #innercritic #marriage #marriagegoals #marriagematters #marriagecounseling #counseling #couragetoriseandthrive #counselingmatters #mindsetiseverything #walmartmarketplace #barnesandnoble #amazonbooks #amazonkindle
That’s great news! I appreciate your wisdom and I’m glad more people will have the opportunity to read your book and improve their lives.
Congrats! Very exciting news!